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Understanding Affirmations and How They Work

When you say anything to yourself or others with belief and conviction, you affirm something. That’s what we all learned as a student. This is the exact base of the term affirmation. What we are saying to ourselves becomes an affirmation.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive thoughts that we create, listen, read, write, or speak. When we say or think something with the full belief that it is true, it becomes an affirmation. I am getting better is one example of an affirmation. My body can win this battle is another example. We can relate affirmation to any aspect of our life; physical, mental, financial, or even spiritual. In short, affirmations are phrases that we completely believe in and repeat to ourselves multiple times a day.

How do Affirmations Impact Our Thoughts?

Our thoughts affect our mood. How we think about something has an enormous impact on how the outcome or result of an event is going to be. According to research, we create around 6000 thoughts a day. Out of these, almost 80 percent are negative. These are the thoughts that we use to self-sabotage our own capabilities. Any thoughts using which we judge ourselves, whether related to our physical appearance or mental or professional capabilities, impact how we think about ourselves.

Let me give a very interesting example. Suppose you are a subject teacher teaching a mixed class of students, some of which are very sensitive; others happy-go-lucky. Take an instance that you pinpoint a sensitive student and told him he/she is not good at mathematics and must not take it up as a part of the career. For that child, your casual remark becomes a life sentence. Every time he picks up a Mathematics book and tries to make sense out of it, he will remember your prophecy and the thing just would not work.

We are all made up of billions and trillions of cells. Each of them is intelligent. How? Because they are continuously growing and regenerating. All the cells of your body are working towards your well-being. However, they are extremely sensitive and believe whatever your self-created thoughts without questioning. If you create a thought that you have flab around your belly and do not look attractive, the corresponding cells get the message and feel dejected. Although they keep doing excellent work for you, they are not doing it with the best of their spirit. Positive self-talk, when accompanied by belief, can create an environment of growth and self-improvement. When repeated to oneself multiple times a day, they challenge the repeated thinking patterns we automatically think without being even aware of it. 

Simple Pointers to Create Personal Affirmations

  • Close your eyes and imagine you are in the most wonderful place.
  • Take a few deep breaths. That will help you to be in the present.
  • Visualize your goal as though it has already happened. For example, if you dream about publishing a book this year, visualize yourself actually holding your printed book in front of a packed audience. Add details such as the title of the book, your name as the author, or even the image on the front of the published book. Use all your sensory perceptions to live that moment.
  • Now pen down how it feels being in this place. One important aspect of writing a positive affirmation is to always use the present tense.
  • For example, “My first book is an enormous success.” “Readers are appreciating my book and are looking forward to reading more of my work.”
  • Say these affirmations to yourself multiple times a day with complete belief.

These are just starting points to creating your personal positive affirmations. Enjoy the process and believe in your dreams. Till next time, take care and stay positive.

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